
Poster Analysis

Before we can create a poster for our own film we should research into existing posters of a similar genre and target audience. I decided to analyse the posters for "Speak".
Speak is an independent film created by Speak Film Inc. directed by Jessica Sharzer and distributed by Showtime Networks (USA).
It is a serious teen drama which tells the story of a young girl called Melinda Sordino who has a traumatic experience over her summer break - she is raped by a senior. During the party over the summer break she calls 9-1-1 and everyone believes that she called the police to break up the party when in fact she was trying to get the senior Andy Evans from getting away with it.
 On her first day of high school she feels lost and doesn't feel that she can tell anyone about what she has been through and so she goes mute. Melinda spends her free time in the art room and in a storage closet which she makes into her own space to draw trees as an escape and to express her feelings.

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