
Poster Mock-Up

"You don't know what you've got until it's gone"

This mock-up of our short film poster shows an extreme close up of a table with a necklace and journal on it. These are the personal objects from our short film which belonged to the sister; along with the teddy bear that Hope (The girl in the centre of the image) is holding. The necklace and teddy bear are the most important items in the short film and they are shown in each of the flashbacks which are derived from the sister's journal. I have decided not to include the sister within the poster itself to create a feel of mystery. I decided to leave the background white to create a feel of dead-space where Hope clearly stands out against the background and she is seen as the focal character. In a later version i may add in a scene of the Sister's bedroom which I will fade out to keep Hope as the focal point.
The sister's childish innocence and immaturity is shown though the iconography of the teddy bear. Hope's face is not clearly seen underneath her hair as she is holding the teddy bear; this is to give the impression of depression and emotion. She does not want to show her face she just wants her sister back with her. 

Above - I have redrawn the poster mock up with some more details.I have left it in black and white as if it were a line art as it will be easily transferable to Adobe Photoshop which I will be using to create the poster. The chain of the necklace now embraces the tagline for our short film to symbolise that important things are kept safe - sometimes those people can feel trapped or misunderstood and feel the need to escape.

Below - An analysis of my own poster for Bringing Back Hope. We have decided to use this mock up for our 2nd poster choice.


Poster Analysis

Before we can create a poster for our own film we should research into existing posters of a similar genre and target audience. I decided to analyse the posters for "Speak".
Speak is an independent film created by Speak Film Inc. directed by Jessica Sharzer and distributed by Showtime Networks (USA).
It is a serious teen drama which tells the story of a young girl called Melinda Sordino who has a traumatic experience over her summer break - she is raped by a senior. During the party over the summer break she calls 9-1-1 and everyone believes that she called the police to break up the party when in fact she was trying to get the senior Andy Evans from getting away with it.
 On her first day of high school she feels lost and doesn't feel that she can tell anyone about what she has been through and so she goes mute. Melinda spends her free time in the art room and in a storage closet which she makes into her own space to draw trees as an escape and to express her feelings.



I am the Co-Director and the Camera person of our short film.
For our short film we filmed in two main locations; Stella's house and my own house. 

Stella's house was used to film:   
  • Birthday flashback
  • Teddy bear flashback
  • Sister fight flashback
  • Sister leaving the house
My own house was used to film:
  • All of Hope's scenes in her sister's bedroom with the journal
  • Sister assurance scene
We found that we had recorded all of our short film in four days but we had scenes to re-shoot and shots which we found were missing. Some scenes required a lot of practice takes; for example the sister fight scene where Hope slaps her sister and the crying scenes of both sisters in the film. 



Below is our presentation of our pitch. I believe it could have been improved with the addition of more research on existing media products on the internet ;for example ,on youtube and short film production company websites. We could have included more information about our location; which (we are hoping) is my bedroom. We will also be filming outside of a house for the sister's birthday scene and the hallway of a house for the arguement between the girl and the sister about the teddy bear. Presentation for Pitch

View more presentations from ToxicCrimson.

 Throughtout the course of our planning and research I have:
  • Created the presentation with the aid of stella, priscilla and tosin
  • Created the target audience and despair (loss and isolation) moodboards on Adobe Photoshop
  • Distributed the questionnaire to pupils and teachers in and around St Martins and Dunraven Sixth forms and tallied up the results and put them into charts
  • Posting on the group blog - most posts have a contribution from myself
  • Took all the pictures of the sticky notes and put them onto black paper for the animatics
  • Offered my bedroom as our main location for our short film as well as the teddy bear and necklace (props)
  • Research into Freytag's pyramid and bereavement
  • Looking into props - my own personal objects which could be used for our short film
  • Helped draw up the storyboard onto the storyboard sheets once the order of shots was chosen


Bits and pieces

In our short film we will need a few props which include:
- a teddy bear
- a journal
- a necklace
- and possibly an iPod
I have taken photos of the items which I have and feel could be possible props for our short film.

Teddy Bears


In our short film we will be filming mainly within one room (the young girl's) and a couple shots in a kitchen, hallway and outside a house.

My room may not be suitable because it is rather large and the sound could bounce off the walls and create an echo. It also lets in a lot of light in the daytime and we were hoping for a darker low key lit room so the film feels darker.
My Room - The Young Girl's Bedroom

We should also be filming:
- Outside of a house for the sister's birthday scene where Hope gives her sister a necklace.

- In a hallway of a house with stairs and a kitchen downstairs. This will be used as our location for the two sisters arguing about the sister's teddy bear. The teddy bear will be drowned iu the kitchen sink but the sister can't see from the stairs.